by Ingredient

Sorrel leaves

About the ingredient sorrel leaves. Including 22 recipes with sorrel leaves.



In Chinese:酸模叶子
British (UK) term: Sorrel leaves
en français:feuilles d'oseille
en español:hojas de acedera

Recipes using sorrel leaves

There are 22 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Sorrel Soup with Chorizo

Sorrel Soup with Chorizo

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I cook sorrel soup every spring year by year because of the unique sour flavor. I usually make it on the base of long simmered veal bones. This spring the process of cooking was shortened by using Spanish chorizo. No regret.

Fresh Sorrel Mayonnaise

Fresh Sorrel Mayonnaise

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A wonderful sauce for fresh grilled salmon, halibut or sea bass.


Sauerampfersuppe (Sorrel Soup)

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A recipe from grandmother's more thrifty times; rarely encountered today.


Botvinia (Cold, Green Vegetable Soup with Fish)

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Cold green vegetable soup with poached fish. Source: Olga Gorechev, St. Petersburg, Russia

All 22 recipes

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